How do I do it all? I'm going to let you in on a secret…
I don't. Not that that is actually a secret, it's actually just the obvious answer that most people fail to assume. There are many emotions that I could feel when it comes to the perception that many people seem to have of me. The perception that I am somehow amazingly strong, organised and energetic to be able to keep as many proverbial balls up in the air as I do. But the problem with this perception, despite the bragging rights I could have from it, is that it's based on a false narrative. Because while my life is very busy, I don't manage to keep all those balls in the air. They often crash around me, with resounding reverberations that stumble my steps and haunt my thoughts. Of the range of possible emotions to feel, the ones that stand out from the sounds of crashing, are shame and embarrassment. Because I am a fraud. I am not some “Wonder Woman” or “Supermom” who balances work and life with grace and aplomb. Like most working moms, I live with the ...