
Showing posts from October, 2016

Meditations on parenting (Parent life) – discoveries, observations and hilarities Part II

My daughter's first birthday falls on Thursday this week and while I've been contemplating how much life has changed with her in it, I've continued to document her everyday activities which make me proud, cringe, laugh or give me a mini heart attack. And so here is another edition of what I refer to on Facebook as "Parent Life"... Injuries sustained as a result of your baby - particularly when she's lying in bed next to you (and these can happen while she's awake or sleeping!). But you don't really mind... at least after the impacted body part has stopped smarting. Then there are the injuries to your baby... because she's too adventurous to be left alone on your bed anymore! And even when you're there, she might just still do something unexpected!  Speaking of adventurous - that streak of independence is also make itself apparent! Feeding herself has brought about a few Kodak moments... But w...