The passage of precious time - a look back on my time with Eliana
Not even a whole day old The end of my time at home with my little girl arrived, bringing with its approach much reminiscing over the time we had together. It's amazing how after 9 months of anticipation (when the four week gaps between scans at the gynae seemed to last forever!) ended and the fast forward button was rudely jammed down. Suddenly in the space formerly occupied by my darling newborn is a five month old, grabbing at her feet, pulling off her socks, learning to hold her own bottle and sitting up! I decided quite early on in my pregnancy that I would try to stay at work for as long as I could so that I would be able to enjoy more of my maternity leave with my daughter as opposed to waiting for her arrival. I was fortunate to be able to work up until almost 38 weeks, which left me with a week and a half of "me" time before Eliana was delivered by scheduled C-section at 39 weeks gestation. My company allowed for four months partially salaried maternity ...