
Showing posts from January, 2015

Whether you are or are not Charlie, heed the words of Kirk Lazarus

A mishmashed perspective on freedom of speech, conservatism, and a suggestion for how to balance these contradictory philosophies. Never go full retard . A simple enough instruction to live by and one that neither begins nor ends with the headline dominating terrorist activities in France recent weeks. I haven’t extensively researched the matter; I followed the story, read a few opinion pieces and, of course, witnessed the social media explosion of opinions, feelings and rants. This post relates to the Charlie Hebdo-linked murders and the associated freedom of speech debate, along with comparisons between far right- and left-wing philosophies, which all have the same things in common: extremism, often coupled with a gross lack of tolerance. In my frequent moments of pondering, I often feel that a lack of tolerance is responsible for too many of the world’s ills. It seems that the old maxim of “everything in moderation” has given way to the prevailing sense of extremism in l...

What the pharmacist (probably) isn’t saying…

If you’ve come to this page hoping to find information to fuel your conspiracy theories about “Big Pharma” and the “evil medical fraternity”, I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place. This blog is written by a pharmacist for other pharmacists and pharmacy personnel to make light of some of the issues that we have to deal with when we work in the retail pharmacy sector. But that’s not to say that a non-pharmacist would not to be able to appreciate some of the commentary below, in fact you might just learn something about the inner workings of the mind of your legal dealer and how to avoid annoying, upsetting or infuriating him or her in the future… or at least to minimise such reactions! To my friends and colleagues, I hope you’ll enjoy this posting as much as the last! Now, let’s go through a list of common occurrences which you probably experience regularly and, most likely, do not (externally) express your feelings and thoughts related to such occurrences. Schedule 4 creams ...