Your life is not a template. Don’t project your experiences onto others
I am a control freak, I am a perfectionist and I have very strong opinions and feelings. This can make me a very difficult person to co-exist with as I’m very often quick to make judgements and can be extremely stubborn when my opinions are challenged. However, to contrast those aspects of myself, I am also very empathic, caring and often have internal struggles between the logical processes at work in my left brain and the strongly emotional responses in my right brain. As a result, although my logic would dictate that I should view something in a certain way, my empathy forces me to try to assume a different perspective so as to better reconcile the situation and create closure for all involved parties. A lack of closure disturbs me. Deeply. I recently learned that a lot of my eccentricities are due to my having the rarest personality type on the Myers Briggs Personality test (MBPI), that being the INFJ (introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging) personality. But this posting isn’t ab...